Thursday, April 24, 2014

Earth Day

Today and everyday is Earthday. We should be grateful for every moment we have on this planet. For it nourishes us with all that we could ever need and imagine. We have to treat it better for our thoughts create the realities upon it’s physical nature. So let us all imagine a world where only positive vibes grow within the roots of the gardens of our seas waves. 

There is no such thing thing as race or borders to separate us, there is only one human movement of love. Love you give yourself and share with others is the love that will manifest across the world. Be it. Love all unconditionally without judging. 

Earth day is our day, everyday is Earthday. We are all connected. We are all one. We can cultivate relationships that are more compassionate, understanding and supportive, which in turn will help us create a new social reality.