Sunday, January 13, 2008

La 11è heure, le dernier virage

Leonardo DiCaprio narrateur d'un documentaire consacré aux écosystèmes mondiaux endommagés, intitulé The 11th Hour. Un regard sur l'état de l'environnement et des solutions pour tenter de restaurer l'écosystème planétaire, à travers des rencontres avec une cinquantaine de scientifiques, intellectuels et leaders politiques.

Leonardo DiCaprio has begun production on "11th Hour", a feature length documentary that will examine the state of the global environment, and includes visionary and practical solutions for restoring the planet's beleaguered ecosystems. The documentary will tackle an issue that DiCaprio has championed for years as it takes on a renewed urgency in the wake of recent natural disasters, and as increasing global abuse brings the future of our environment into greater question.