Sunday, December 30, 2007

photo du jour

Saturday, December 29, 2007


Une promenade parmi les plus beaux jardins de bord de mer ...

Happy Last Friday of 2007 to you. can you believe it is almost a whole new year? i'm really happy about it even though it does seem 2007 passed spookily fast. i am excited to try all sorts of new things, new experiences, new places. finally, as this year draws to an end, i'm trying to think through what changes i'd like to make for next year and what new adventures, experiences i would like to add to my life. yup, it is new year's resolutions time!

i've definitely gotten better at accepting myself the way i am. i'd like to be a little better at accepting others the way they are, too, and be more forgiving and compassionate when i feel betrayed or hurt by someone. when i feel someone has done me wrong or been a bad friend,i tend to be really unforgiving. it's not a good quality, but it's a defense mechanism... i guess i thought it was the only way not to get hurt again.

i'd like to learn how to be better than that, and learn how to both let go of hurt feelings and at the same time have good boundaries in place. (is it possible to be kind and not be a doormat? yes, i think it is possible. i want to learn this.) and i want to really learn that you can't change people, you can only change yourself. Sure I have heard this cliche' my whole life, but there's a big difference between hearing something and really really understand something. all you can change or control are your actions, your life, your responses, your behavior, your boundaries.

it's actually kind of a relief! i have enough work trying to change myself, people are going to do what they want to do, i want to really learn to accept it, and stop wishing things were different.. just live in what is, that sounds so good to me.

and in 2008 i want to keep my house mostly-always tidy so that i don't have to spend hours cleaning up and putting things away before someone can drop by. mainly this is a clutter issue. i still have more clutter than i want in my life and house, so that has GOT TO GO. i want to spend 2008 in a clean, tidy house so that I don't have to panic before guests arrive and a lot of that is just getting rid of the final mountain of clutter in my spare room/office/dumping ground. what a relief it will be to be able to have people over anytime without worrying if i have time to deep-clean the house. this may mean i have to get rid of more stuff i was holding onto and didn't want to part with... but it will be worth it. it is time to let go.

re-reading this, i guess my pondery listing all has to do with clearing out the old stuff and making clear paths to the new things i want! i definitely want a life that is less cluttered with junk both physical and emotional junk. just the pure, simple, good stuff, that's what i want more of. this past year was full of amazing great things and some very sad things, too. i want to learn from them both and make 2008 a happy year, more balanced, clearer. i want to hold onto more living and let go of loss with a little more grace. hope you have a good weekend.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

photo du jour

Lady Di and her feline fascination ;o

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année!

Je vous souhaite un joyeux noël et une très bonne et heureuse année 2008!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

photo du jour

Scènes de rue - France

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

David Lawrence

Portraiting a friend/sci-fi writter David Lawrence aka DOT a californian young writter of infinite talent. David is an online friend, we have love for sci-fi books and cinema, thats how we met online in 2000, after the matrix release untill now, for me, he always viewed his world from an artist's perspective. David's wit and profound intelligence are bounded by a Vision of Hope. I trully admire his writtings.He has published two books through POD, and is currently working on DaViD(us): My Truest Fiction, an autobiographical work that questions the nature of reality.

photo du jour

In 1964, Vieux Lyon became the first protected historic district in France. It is one of the largest Renaissance quarters in Europe and was named a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1998.
i (finally) watched Hard Candy - it was so much awesomer than i expected! i mean i just randomly watch most movies where photographers are the main characters, but here… it’s amazingly shot, the person behind the camera and the lighting people made sure nearly every frame could be a photo. there’s a lot of closeups of the characters’ faces. just showing the eyes, or the mouth, or the hands. the whole movie has just two people, their acting is amazing, i thought. it sort of felt like a play. except made stronger by the camera work.

and i saw a poster in the theater for a movie coming out in february 2008 called “The Other Bolein Girl”. now, you ready for this? Anne Boleyn is played by Natalie Portman and Mary Boleyn by Scarlett Johansson. this is going to be SO so good. i can’t wait!!!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

photo du jour

Contre Jour
Greenpeace et Madredeus, se sont associés pour produire un clip vidéo qui dénonce la destruction des dernières forêts anciennes du monde.

Le single de Madredeus, Anseio ("Angoisse"), est un chant passionné, qui exprime l'angoisse de l'homme face au devenir de l'humanité et le tourment causé par l'actuelle dégradation de la planète.

envoyé par guysou

Friday, December 14, 2007

uhhuh... found a great place for artsy shirts and they're most only 10$ on christmas sale! you rarely see this original designs. i was also happy to notice the shipping charges werent that bad, less than 10$and just 12+$ for a faster option. not bad i think.

i got myself this one a girl shooting herself in the head may seem negative but the butterflies make all the difference... i think that her mind is released and its full of beautiful things, love and creativity bursting out in the freedom, finally.

here you can score tshirt designs (obviously, the best ones become available ;o)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Barcelona - Théâtre-Musée Salvador Dali à Figueres

Créée en 1983 du vivant de l’artiste, la Fondation a l’objectif de divulguer et de protéger l’oeuvre et la pensée de Salvador Dalí (1904-1989) et, en général, son apport aux beaux-arts et à la culture contemporaine.

la coupole

le grand murale dédié à Gala, sa grande inspiratrice.

Gala nue regardant la mer qui à 18 mètres apparaît le president Lincoln 1975

une immersion dans son monde fascinant et unique

Monday, December 3, 2007

listening to Dionysos, d’après une histoire de Mathias Malzieu, qui ressemble beaucoup les univers de Tim Burton par ses thématiques qui m’émeuvent profondément, la solitude, l’imaginaire, la difficulté de communiquer... je love ce clip!

photo du jour

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Les Machines de l’Ile - Nantes

Petit reportage a la galerie des machine, un projet artistique imaginé par Pierre Orefice et François Delarozière, une extraordinaire aventure digne d’un roman de Jules Verne, de l’univers mécanique de Léonard de Vinci et de l’histoire industrielle de Nantes. Ce que j'ai aimé, surtout, dans ces sculptures géniales, c'est la creation d'une passerelle entre le contemporain et la SF, qui rappelle l'oeuvre du peintre fantastique Giger fondateur du concept de la biomécanique et reconnu par sa création de la créature Alien.
Mondes Marins

l’Arbre aux Hérons

le Grand Elephant