Dieu que je déteste l’hiver ! Le froid glacial, un nez rouge en plein milieu de la figure … et impossible de sortir dehors sans accumuler les couches.
Moi qui suis plutôt une fille du printemps, vous pouvez immaginer mon déséspoir de ne pas pouvoir faire des petites sorties comme celle ci (Bretagne année derniere), le PRINTEMPS en bord de mer.
My name is Tania de Almeida and I love photography.
Storytelling within a single frame- that is what photography is to me and what I try to do with every shot. It can be a quiet moment between two people, the way the light falls through a window or a celebration among friends & family.
I am constantly documenting life. It is no more than one-second of life at the time it takes to click the shutter, and what is forever frozen is timeless, that’s what draws me to photographs. We as people can’t live forever, but it seems as though the images do.
There's hardly anything I enjoy more than translating the world around me into photographs. There's beauty to be found in everything and everyone, and I love the way a camera gives me a license to explore that.