Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Valerie and her week of wonders

Cela faisait un bon moment que je n’avais pas eu de nouveau coup de coeur cinématographique.

C’est un film tcheque, datant de 1970 qui m’a recemment attire l’attention: Valerie and her week of wonder (titre original: Valerie a týden divu). Realise par Jaromil Jireš, ce film est base selon le livre de meme nom, ecrit par Vítězslav Nezval.

L’histoire est difficilement explicable, ce qui, curieusement, fait aussi une partie de son charme. Laissant de cote toute notion de logique, il m’a fallu le visionner plusieurs fois avant de saisir toutes les subtilites qui le composent.

Mais ce qui m’a surtout plus dans ce film, c’est son incomparable esthetique, la beaute des images. Les decors oscillent entre paysages paradisiaques et sous-sols poussiereux abritant des vampires et autres êtres inquiétants, à l’apparence tres proche d’un certain Nosferatu.

je vous recommande donc ce film, voyage dans l’esprit insaisissable d’une adolescente que je qualifierais a la fois d’insolite, onirique, metaphorique, poetique, avec un pointe d’erotisme, et meme parfois des allusions politiques en accord avec le pays et l’epoque.

Bande annonce Valerie & her week of wonder

I hadn’t been really taken with a movie for quite a while now…

My most recent infatuation involves a Czech movie circa 1970 called Valerie and her Week of Wonders (originally titled: Valerie a týden divu). Directed by Jaromil Jires, the film is based on the Vítězslav Nezval novel by the same name.

The story itself is hard to describe, which come to think of it, might be why i like it so much. Actually, i had to dismiss all notions of logic and watch it many times over before i really got all of its subtleties.

What i liked most about this film was its incredible aesthetic, its gorgeous imagery, not to mention the portrayal of the delicate. The backdrop oscillates between paradisiacal landscapes and musty basements that are host to vampires and other worrisome creatures, some of them bearing a certain resemblance to Nosferatu himself.

Worthy of your attention, this movie takes viewers on a journey through the elusive mind of an unusual, dreamlike, metaphorical, poetic, and slightly erotic adolescent who even manages to be political as a perfectly appropriate sign of the times.

Movie trailer Valerie & her weekend of wonder