Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The latest from GoMA

Tuesday afternoon, is simply the best day to catch up with the latest exhibition at GoMA, simply because it feels like the space is all miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine to explore!!!!!

On today's explorations, I will take you through the 'Sculpture is Everything' exhibition on the 1st floor, featuring a group of major new acquisitions. The exhibition explores the extraordinarily diverse and surprising field of contemporary sculpture.

Brazilian artist Henrique Oliveira’s powerful recycled wood installations snake through the exhibition space like massive living trees that burst out of walls and ceilings. The stunning mixed media pieces are a combination of sculpture, painting and architecture.

The following set is a space filled with the strangest, weirdest, disturbing, oddest and most mysterious things.

And the afternoon comes to an end in the best possible way, a soy chai latte and a gluten free choc biscuit, at the gallery's garden.